Wisconsin’s HC Paul Chryst after vs. New Mexico State Quotes 9/17/22

Wisconsin Football Head Coach Paul Chryst Post-Game Quotes

Wisconsin 66, New Mexico State 7

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Camp Randall Stadium • Madison, Wisconsin

OPENING STATEMENT: Certainly proud of the way the guys handled the whole week. Any time you get a chance to play a game and earn the right to win, you appreciate that. You’re grateful for all the work that goes into it. I thought one thing that hit me today watching it was there was a lot of guys that got it going and allowed others to we were able to play a lot of guys.

That happens because you had a group take care of business and give them the opportunity to play. That’s always good. Every first rep for a guy or added reps are huge. That part was good.

Q. After I think it was your third offensive series, (Wisconsin offensive line coach Bob) Bostad made a change. Went to a different look on the right side, stuck with that for a long time. I know you haven’t looked at the tape. What did you think those two guys gave you? It appeared they helped solidify some things and also sparked the offense.

CHRYST: Yeah, and we were fortunate kind of with what Bort (offensive lineman Tanor Bortolini) was able to that he could play. Same thought with Trey (Wedig). Kind of get them in and how can we get them some reps. Wanted to do it early. Kind of was warmed up and going and so that was really good for us to be able to get done.

I thought they said on the film but it was energizing having them in there.

Q. Was that the plan going into the game?

CHRYST: I mean, we were hoping kind of see how the warmups went and Bort felt good and we knew we could get some snaps out of him, so wanted to get that going.

Q. How valuable was a performance like this to remedy some of the issues that popped up last week, in particular because you’re playing Ohio State next week?

CHRYST: Yeah, I think certainly every experience you go through you learn from. But I think every bit of today is today. We’re going to be facing different teams and certainly facing a different team next week and the week after.

So I think that it’s good. The response, you know, last week, that part I was pleased with. And then it’s all about you get a chance to play the game, and I thought guys were ready and came out and played.

But you just got to keep going, keep trying to grow.

Q. Been kind of a theme for the first three weeks, getting a bunch of receivers involved. With the depth you have at that position, how much better do you think it makes your offense when that many guys you can rotate in and out and they can all make plays like they are?

CHRYST: It’s always good. I think the one thing that (quarterback) Graham (Mertz) has been doing a good job is take what’s there. Certainly a lot of guys putting themselves in position. When the ball gets spread around I think it’s always healthy.

Q. When did you guys know that you were going to have to go with Lahm (kicker Gavin Lahm) and Zelst(kicker Nate Van Zelst)? And I know it’s just one game, but how do you think they handled what you needed them to do today?

CHRYST: Yeah, you know, Thursday/Friday, we were like, okay, this is what it’s going to be. I thought they both handed it well, and you appreciate that.

Q. Paul, after Chez’s (running back Chez Mellusi) touchdown, looked like you pulled him off the side. Had a good moment and was talking to him about the play or just that moment. Curious to know what that conversation was like.

CHRYST: You saw what it looked like.

Q. What did you say I guess, if you want to share with us?

CHRYST: No, I don’t. I appreciate that.

Q. Paul, as you make the transition from nonconference to conference, but do you like what you’ve seen so far out of your team and do you feel like you’re prepared heading into Big Ten play?

CHRYST: Yeah, I think do I appreciate what guys are putting out there? Yeah. I would hope and want to believe that there is lessons that we experienced in the first three games, that if we can truly learn from them, what things allowed us to be successful, you know, and build on that.

Things that make it harder, right? And the truth is, time will tell. Do we truly learn those lessons. I appreciate the way they’ve gone through it. But we’ve got we have certainly not arrived.

Q. That said about not arriving, do you have a feeling that your passing game overall from what the quarterback is doing, to guys getting open, the execution, is in better shape than at certain times last year just overall?

CHRYST: I hadn’t kind of thought that way.

Q. You like what you see?

CHRYST: Yeah, I think there is times when it looks like what it should look like. So that part I think there is moments where it looks like what it should look like.

Q. Same kind of thing, pass protection has been a strength of the team so far the first three weeks. What do you think this line has maybe done in that area in the first three weeks or throughout camp that you’ve seen that that’s why they’re succeeding?

CHRYST: Yeah, I think we weren’t good on the first third down tonight, or this afternoon. Yeah, I think certainly guys work at it and take pride and I think that takes everyone on it.

I think Graham (Mertz) has been doing a good job of getting the ball out, and it helps when there is guys open. Competition gets tougher, you know, you’ll be challenged more.

But to win games we’re going to have to be able to run the ball and be able to throw it. I think we got to keep going.

Q. The red pants today, how did that come to be? Who decided that? Did you fight it at all?

CHRYST: You know enough to ask it that way. You know what? We got some guys and I feel good with this. They’re in charge of it. I don’t care as long as they play well.

Q. Paul, with the defense and looks like seven interceptions, I believe seven different players. To you what does that say about the defense and ability for not just a couple players to create takeaways in that manner?

CHRYST: I think obviously they’re big plays and it’s been fun to see. I thought (Maema Njongmeta) was a heck of a pick today. You know, that was impressive. Jake (Chaney), everyone is excited about that one. We would to Jay (Shaw) had one opportunity at one. Guys value it and they know, and I think our coaches do a great job putting them in position and coaching them to trust it and go for it.

And so takeaways are huge. You take them in any fashion. It’s been fun to see the number of guys getting them.

Q. You often say it takes everybody. How much more gratifying or fun is it in a game like this where you can get pretty much everybody that you want to play into the game at some point?

CHRYST: I think it’s certainly meaningful. You know you see it and you feel it on the sideline. There is a lot of guys that put in a ton of work and not all get to play in the games.

So when there are those opportunities, there truly is an energetically on the sidelines when guys make plays.

I know it’s probably at the end of the game and to many it seems meaningless, but, you know, Amaun(Williams) made a nice tackle and there was an excitement right there. People were fired up about Jake’s (Chaney) pick and to get to see Julius (Davis) going and for Isaac (Guerendo) to get Isaac was playing early in the game, but any time you’re going and add a lot of guys, number of guys that during the week on the scout team and they’re playing.

Couple of those guys on defense, we all know how much they put into it. I know, and you talk to our guys, we always value the first snaps or the first time that they make a tackle or get a completion, whatever that may be, right?

It’s real to them. So that part, that’s where I appreciate what everyone did to give those guys that opportunity.