Rams S Jordan Fuller Quotes 4/25/20


(On his thoughts on joining the Rams and if he had any idea that they were looking at him)

“Honestly, I’m speechless at the moment. It’s a bunch of hard work going into this and I know it’s just the first step in a long journey, but I’m just so, so thankful that they gave me this opportunity. I’m so excited to be an L.A. Ram and being in L.A. My brother went to UCLA, I’ve got family out there, so just really excited to get out there. It’s kind of like a second house to me a little bit. I’m very, very excited. I did feel like they were interested in me, but didn’t know exactly what their situation was and what their draft board was like and if they wanted to get a safety or not, but something like that. Did interview with them at the draft but didn’t talk to them too much after that. Kind of wondered what the interest was, but so, so glad I got that call today.”

(On what he expected generally going into the draft and if he had an idea where he might be taken)

“I was thinking possible day two and then early day three, so I started getting a little anxious towards the end, towards the spot where I did get drafted, (No.) 199. Still had the possibility of me going undrafted but didn’t want to think those thoughts at the time. Just so grateful that I was able to get picked up by the Rams.”

(On what he thinks he brings to the Rams)

“They’re getting a guy that’s willing to do anything for the team, really. Whether it’s special teams, putting in all the hours that’s necessary to go win games. That’s my main priority just as a football player, and as a person. They’re getting a leader and just a guy that wants to win, really and will do whatever it takes to do that.”

(On L.A. being like a second home to him with family in the area and his brother Devin Fuller went to UCLA)

“It’s awesome out there. So, I have some family in Chatsworth, so it’s not directly in L.A., but the past couple spring breaks I went out there, in the summer I went out there. Usually, whenever I had a break I would go to (New) Jersey, home, and then spend like half and half in Jersey and then L.A. So, I’m very accustom to that area and can’t wait to get out there.”

(On which members of his family is in Chatsworth)

“My Uncle Sinbad is out there – my aunt, some cousins, too.”

(On playing at Ohio State University and how he thinks it has prepared him physical and mentally for the NFL)

“Just being at Ohio State, competition is kind of, you really have no choice but to compete every single day and you’re competing against the best of the best in the country every day, too. So, that’s just kind of in my blood now being there. Also, not afraid of the bright lights either – whether its gameday, coming to our games or playing under…going to like Dallas, Texas to play some big games, like playing in some big playoff games, too. I think it’s just prepared me for this moment and being able to prepare with some of the best players to play college football too have prepared me well. Along with great coaches, great staff, everybody around me just developed me.”

(On coming from being a starting safety at Ohio State to most likely having to earn his way to playing time in the NFL, and what the mentality is like having to starting over but in a good place like the Rams)

“Yeah, it’s just the rookie mentality, just going in there and wanting to learn as much as possible that I can and work as hard as possible. I know if I do that and just apply myself, I’ll look up and be in a good spot at the end of the day.”

(On playing in the 2019 Rose Bowl Game)

“I remember that was one that we wanted real bad. We didn’t get to make the playoffs that year, and it was going to be (Former Ohio State Football Head Coach) Coach (Urban) Meyer’s last game – we wanted to send those seniors out the right way. Just a lot of anticipation and build up for that game, was so happy we were able to pull that win out for Coach Meyer, the seniors and to do it in front of my family that’s from L.A., that was really cool too. Really just a special moment for everybody.”

(On what it feels like to be part of the group of Ohio State players drafted this year)

“It’s awesome. I know as a recruit you watch the draft and see how many guys from Ohio State go and just being able to make that dream come true, it means the world to me. I’m still kind of speechless about it. It’s so special to me. I’ve been working for this a long time, so it feels great.”

(On if considers himself more of a run-stopper or prefers to play in the backend of the defense)

“What I’ve been asked to do is play more in the backend, but I do enjoy being a run-stopper as well. I consider myself very versatile, so really plug me in anywhere and I’ll get the job done.”