Penn State’s Offensive Players Press Conference vs. Rutgers 11/30/19


Will Levis | QB | So./Fr.

Q: What was it like having the whole week to prepare for this start, rather it be being thrown into the fire like last week?

A: Yeah it was cool, as a backup you always got to prepare like you’re the starter but to know that it was going to happen for sure, that I was going to be the starter, and kind of set the tempo for the whole game, it was really cool. I just took that same approach and didn’t let it affect me mentally or anything, but it was really cool to kind of be the guy for the offense the whole week and into the game.

Q: Do you think you have to get over some early nerves in the game at all?

A: A little bit, I mean I’ve been in enough games now where I’ve kind of know what’s going on and I know how to operate. Beings it was my first start, it was a little different after the first couple plays, but after that I was good.

Q: You did the whole scout team thing, looking back at that does that make this moment any sweeter that you get to come out here and get a win, or how hard was going through all that?

A: Yeah, I mean it was hard but it was fun. Obviously I wanted to be out there and play as soon as you get on campus but that’s not the case for most of the guys who play college football and I took my role very seriously, I knew every day I was going to come in to meetings and to practice and prepare as if I was playing. Knowing my role was to prepare the defense and be the best guy I could to give them the best looks as possible, and I think I did a good job with that role. Going into the spring, knowing I was going to work with the offense more and kind of learn and develop was just incredible

Journey Brown | RB | So.

Q: Today, what kind of strong emotions were there for this team to get emotionally up to this game?

A: We are all emotional people. We love this game. We just didn’t come out like we wanted to so that’s why it took a little bit for us to go, but I’ll say we kind of underestimated this team, which we shouldn’t have done. They’re a great team. They play hard, and we should’ve just played to our standards.

Q: You mentioned being more motivated based on the personal losses that you’ve kind of gone through. What ways do those motivations come out? Is that wanting to lower your head more, go for the ball more?

A: I just play my game. I want to say it motivates me to do better because I always want to do my best regardless of the circumstances. It just gives me another “Why”: Why do I love this game, why do I want to do what I want to do, why do I get up every morning?

Q: A year ago, did you think it was possible to be contributing and playing the way you are right now with three 100-yard games. How far away did that seem?

A: When I was in that time I was focused on the task at hand, and what I was doing then to prepare for these times. I knew my opportunity was going to show itself. Regardless of when it was going to, but I knew when it came, I was going to be ready for it so I prepared for these times and these moments.

Jahan Dotson | WR | So./So.

Q: Can you talk about that touchdown catch?

A: It was a play call for a two-high zone which they were in, on third and long. I saw Pat go in front of me and the DB either has to pick him or me. He picked him and I saw the middle wide open, caught it, tried to make a move and got in the end zone.

Q: What does it mean to finish off the regular season with 10 wins?

A: It’s pretty cool to get to that 10-win mark. Just because last year we came up a little bit short with some losses. But it was cool to get to 10 wins for those seniors.

Q: What are some things you have learned and will take away from this senior class?

A: Learning from these guys day-by-day every day in the locker room, just taking little things they do and emulating it in my own game. The way they prepare is impeccable, the way they learn, the way they work, I have just learned a lot from them.

Steven Gonzalez | OL | Sr.

Q: Can you take us through the emotions of walking through Beaver Stadium for the final time?

A: Just kind of a celebration. Very, obviously, emotional, but just kind of a celebration of my five years here and all the 16 seniors with four or five years here. It was an amazing experience. I thank Penn State. I thank Coach Franklin especially and his staff for allowing me to come here for five years and get the opportunity and get my degree, which I did last fall. It was awesome. It was an awesome experience. I mean, I haven’t cried yet so it really hasn’t sunk in yet, but it probably will tonight.

Q: What’s one memory that sticks out to you in Beaver Stadium?

A: Just the whiteouts, to be honest. All the whiteouts, especially the one that we won against Ohio State, but just even the one the year after against Michigan. Like I’ve said before, it’s just college football at its finest. I mean, it’s just awesome.

Q: What was it like embracing James Franklin right there at the very beginning of the game?

A: It was good. It was good. You know, all the seniors kind of do it and it was just an emotional moment for all of us, especially for both of us. We’ve been through many things. Like he told me, it’s been a long five years and we’ve come a long way.

Q: Your 41st win. The senior class’ 41st win today. You know, it’s a big accomplishment. As a departing player, what are some things that you kind of hope that these younger underclassmen hope that they can retain from you?

A: Just appreciate everything. Appreciate every little thing, even the workouts as hard as they are or as tough as they are, just appreciate the process. Appreciate being here because you know, it flies. Just the other day, I felt like I was a freshman in the summer just getting here. So, just really take every moment and try to take it all in.