Penn State Defensive Players Postgame Quotes on 11/16/19


Garrett Taylor | S | R-Sr.

Q: How did you think the defense did today?

A: There are a lot of areas for improvement. We came out a little bit slow in that first quarter, but then turned it around. Then I think we had a couple plays here and there where one guy wasn’t doing their job, so I think we shot ourselves in the foot a little bit in terms of that, but overall it was a good win where we fought for all four quarters.

Q: Garett, are you concerned about the tackling? It seems to be an issue.

A: Yeah, obviously going back and evaluating the game there’s going to be stuff we need to work on with tackling being one of them. We pride ourselves on being a good tackling team, especially on the perimeter, and we worked on that a lot in practice, so when we have those opportunities to come up and make a little tackle I think that’s something we need to capitalize on.

Q: After their first couple big plays was there more zone dropping back or making sure they stay in front of you a little bit, or anything like that?

A: We didn’t really change much. I think we stayed pretty aggressive throughout the whole game. I think those two plays I mentioned earlier, there was a bit of a coverage bust and a little bit of a lack of communication on the second one, so once we clean that up and get everyone on the same page, I think we fix that.

Micah Parsons | LB |So./So.

Q: You guys had some struggles defensively early. What changed, especially in the second and third quarter?

A: We stopped giving up the big stuff you know. I think we were just killing ourselves. I think after we realized what was going on. We just came together. We stepped up and made them earn it you know. We started making them drive down the field instead of giving up the big throws and things like that.

Q: How did you improve the tackling? Tackling seemed to be an issue.

A: You know, just finishing. Obviously, this week we’re going to make sure we finish at the ball, row through tackles, things like that. Making sure peoples’ heads are up when we’re tackling. So, we just have to do things like that.

Q: When you’re sitting there watching the offense on a nine-minute drive. How does that make the defense feel?

A: It gets us riled up man. Knowing that it’s going to finish on us. We have to finish now. You know when we got an offense that can do that, that’s how you win a ball game. You know that was a tremendous drive, and I really salute them for that.

Jan Johnson| LB | Gr./Sr.

Q: In the second half, to see them kind of finish it what did that do for you guys?

A: It was just pretty satisfying, you know, seeing how our offense has progressed from even last year. Being able to finish drives, I mean we had a couple games this year where we’ve been able to run the ball and keep getting first downs and that’s what I did. I think I heard him say was like an 18-play drive in nine minutes, that’s

impressive. Them being able to just run out the clock and take over the game like that is you know, really good for us and helps out our defense a lot.

Q: From your perspective, Coach keeps talking about the offense being more effective because they’re all 12 personnel with two really good tight ends. Can you understand what he’s trying to say, what does it do to a defense when you don’t have to worry about 12 [personnel]?

A: Not only do they have you know big bodies in the game that can block and move people but, our tight ends are big passing threats too. It doesn’t allow the defense to be comfortable because they create mismatches. They got to stay with the regular people in and try to fit the run, but also try to cover those big bodies. So, it allows our offense to, you know, just do a lot more things from just our normal 11-personnel set.

Q: How would you evaluate the defense as well, how do you guys think you did?

A: You know, we did pretty good. We gave up a couple plays in the beginning, we settled down there towards the second. They were top six passing offense in the country…We just have to make them earn it a little bit more, we gave up those big plays in the beginning, just little miscues but you know if we make them earn it I think it looks a lot better. Overall, we did pretty well shutting down once we got comfortable.

Tariq Castro-Fields | CB | Jr./Jr.

Q: In terms of fundamental success, how important is it to not give up the backbreaker? To not give up the deep throw?

A: I think it’s important. No matter what defense you are in to not it give up….it kind of helps their linemen out because they don’t’ have to run as many plays. I think as long as if you do give up a pass, get it to the ground. You can’t let it kind of linger on.

Q: After they got those two deep balls early in the game, was there anything said on the sideline?

A: Just miscommunication. I think we’re one of the best defenses in country when we communicate, when everybody’s on the same page. So that was just miscommunication.

Q: How much do you pay attention to the numbers, obviously there were quite a few passing yards. Like how much do you value that versus, you know, getting the win?

A: I couldn’t even tell you how many yards they had, how many first downs, just because you know it’s over now so we’re going to watch the film tomorrow and I’ll probably know then.

Q: Is it is it a matter of like when you look back, in terms of watching film is it a matter of more, you know this play, we could have done better, versus, yeah they racked up however many yards, do you focus more on like technique?

A: Yeah, I mean I think we put an emphasis on the things that we did wrong, just so you could fix it and then of course things you did good is going to get praised, but mainly things you did wrong.

Q: I’m curious, you know, of course. Well, a lot of football players talk about like it’s a one play like you have to forget it, put the past behind you. How do you feel that you guys are doing with that right now in terms of when the team does break a big play, get turned around, for the next one?

A: I think we’re doing a pretty good job of erasing it. I don’t think I really care about what fans say, wherever it may be just because I know that they don’t sometimes know the coverage, or whatever it may be… You just gotta play your game, have confidence and never let anyone bring down your confidence.

Q: Are you satisfied?

A: I’m never satisfied… I just go with the flow…I try not to put too much pressure on myself or listen to outside noise and things like that because it can really get to you if you let it. Playing this position that we play, it’s an unforgiving position, I mean so everyone’s going to see when you mess up. You have to go out there with confidence.