Nebraska’s Matt Farniok Press Conference vs. Maryland 11/18/19

On the O-Line’s performance against Wisconsin
“We did a better job of just simply executing what we were supposed to, when it came down to it we kind of finally cut loose and trusted technique. With the players we have when we put bodies on bodies we have good enough players that they are going to create plays and get open. I think we did a great job of setting the standard. That’s how it should be every year, for every game, and every down. ”

On the lack of finishing
“A little more grit, a little more want, that’s what it all comes down to. We’ve done it pretty much all year, we’ve proved that we can move the ball, we’ve proved that we can really do what we need to do before, but we need to find just a little more something, whatever it is, we need to find a little bit more within ourselves across the boards. There’s no wishing that we’re gonna score, we are going to score. There’s no other second thoughts about it.”

On what a win could do for the team on this drought
“Just kind of let us see it work, we know we’re better than what we started and we’re better than we were but it’s always nice when you have to get what you really want. At the end of the day, the only thing we really want is a win. Right now we need to find a way just to simply finish, we’re doing a solid job of what we need to. But we just need that one more play, that one more step, and I think the season would be a lot different. That one little step, that one little hump we’ve got to get over makes all the difference. I think we are starting to see how how we play, how we practice, to get over that hump and start moving and winning.”

On his social media habits
“I really don’t have social media, I think with congratulating Wyatt [Mazour] was my first tweet in like two years. I’m not a big social media guy, if you need to get a hold of me you’ve got my cellphone or you can contact me in person. I’m completely out of the loop on social media.”

On his preference of position on the O-line
“Whatever they tell me to do and whatever is best for the team is all I care about. I want this place more than ever to start rolling and start getting wins because people here have worked so hard and they have given everything they have. I want more than anything to be apart of that and finally getting over that hump to get Nebraska back on track to where it should be. Whatever they need me to do, I’m more than willing to. ”

On Dedrick Mills’ growth and performance
“It just comes from experience. I mean it’s a little bit different feel but it just shows that as the year goes on he was making better reads, he was making better cuts, he was us more protectively and pressing the hole coming back and he’s shown tremendous growth of just becoming a better football player. Just this last week it really showed his progress.”

On the O-line’s penalties
“Just focus, all of our penalties really happen because of a lack of focus. I wouldn’t say it was a lack of care, I think it was just attention to detail. All it was just do your job and do your job as best you can. We are plenty talented, we don’t need a hole, we don’t need guys out of bounds, it was just playing smarter more disciplined football and that’s really how to cut down on penalties.”

On how to become a more disciplined team
“If we want to be a winning program we need to stop it. That was enough because we treat everyone like a grown man, show that you can handle it like a grown man and I mean that’s what it came down to, like hey guys we have got to stop this, this will never get us wins, this will get is beat, and earlier this year it did get us beat. I think finally it got through, ok we need to knock it off. We needed to find a way to just end it, and I mean it worked. We talked to them we figured it out and it was done and over with.”

On the young defensive linemen
“I think they just work hard and whenever we had the chance to go against them I mean they have the talent, they have the sense of just trying to give everything they have and sometimes that’s all you really need. So seeing them out there, getting the reps, and getting experience was cool and to see them succeed was extra special. I think it also kind of helped reinforce, hey it works, trust it, it works, stay with us, keep working, what we’re doing, what we’re doing is the right direction. So it was kind of special to see them get out there and kind of thrive.”