Nebraska WR Alante Brown Quotes 9/5/22

Alante Brown
Nebraska Wide Receiver
Pre-Georgia Southern
Press Conference

On the way the team played second half
“We just have to start faster. We finished really good. We got off to a slow start. Tighten up on mistakes. Tighten up on what we need to do to become faster and start faster and keep that momentum throughout the whole game so that is one thing we need to work on.”

On confidence going into the North Dakota game
“We are always confident. If you are not confident you are not ready. That is how I see it. With every group I feel like we need to be confident we need to know what we are doing we need to know the exact steps the right alignments. We need to be sure exactly what we need to do on that exact play and take it play-by-play.”

On the way the team has started both games
“One thing I have seen in the beginning is that in the beginning if you do your job we are real good, so everybody do their job everybody execute on what they need to do then the rest will take care of itself. If we need to go block safeties, go block safeties. If you need to block the foot technique then that is what you need to do so discipline and doing the things that our coaches get on us in practice about. That is what we need to take into consideration and just execute.”

On scripting and executing
“We script things pretty good giving us some good looks and we fly around so that is one thing I would say we do.”

On running back Anthony Grant
“Anthony Grant is great. He is one of those guys that just gets along with everybody. He is a hard worker. Whatever you tell him to do he is going to do it. He just  goes full speed every time so that is one guy that I am proud of these past two weeks. I cannot wait to see what he does throughout the rest of the season.”

On things that are noticeable during a game that you can’t see in practice
“Sometimes the defense does not always give us the same look. Some defenses might come up and blitz us where we were not expecting a blitz. They might flip who was coming on the strong side and stuff like that. Just getting different looks we need to know what to do in situations like that. So that was one thing I say we just need to learn how to adjust to if they throw us something different”

On having a normal week
“We do not really think about things like that though. Wherever we go whatever we do we are going to come to work. That jetlagging that is nothing. I never thought about that. If it is a Sunday you have to go back to work Monday.”

On being a part of the rotation now
“To me it is just a part of God’s plan. You stay down and you just continue to grind. You do not give up. Keep your faith in God and He is going to deliver for you so that is just how I see it.”

On special teams
“Special teams is very important. You start the game off with special teams. You might end the game off with special teams. Special teams is a big factor in what we need to do here at Nebraska so that is one thing that everybody takes serious here and we just need to continue to keep the pedal down.”

On correcting mistakes
“Just being disciplined. Guys know it they just need to  have it in the back of their head. If this situation goes on this is what I need to do. You need to know what you ended to do in a certain situation like I said before so everything is not going to be exactly how we practice where we expect it to be so we just need to be disciplined and know exactly what we need to do.”

On how Mickey Jospeph handles film sessions
“Coach is a very understanding guy. He will allow us to tell him what we see first and he will give us his opinion. If I see something that he does not agree with he will get an understanding of why I see it and we will fix the problem. So I would not say it is very tense. It is more of a learning situation.”

On playing with Casey Thompson
“He handles it very well. He is a very poised player and I like that. He is a leader. You cannot be energetic, you cannot be overwhelmed, you stay to be poised and that is what I like to see about Casey. No matter what is going on he is going to be poised.”

On keeping the momentum going forward
“Finishing. Everything we need to do is about finishing. Do our job 11 man do your part just finish. Go harder if you are tired go harder. That is just how I see it.”