Jets QB Sam Darnold Quotes 5/5/20


Opening statement…

I just hope everyone’s healthy and safe during these times. I know this isn’t normal for all of us. With the offseason being a little bit different, it’s been good. Having virtual meetings, obviously going into the second year with Coach (Adam) Gase in the system, obviously it’s still different, but it’s been good just getting to know each other throughout that first year and then getting right back into it was pretty seamless even though it is a little different, so everything’s good on that end, so with that we’ll start.

On if he think he can be better next season…

Yeah, there’s definitely room to grow. I think throughout the back half of the season I thought I improved on a lot of things. I thought I got more consistent and was able to get more comfortable with offense. I think there’s obviously room to be better for this next year and for myself, I’m just trying to be as consistent as possible and play at a high level.

On his relationship with Robby Anderson and losing him…

Yeah, me and Robby (Anderson) had a really good connection for the couple of years. With Robby, you know the speed and the deep threat, as I had mentioned before, he had gotten a lot better at running routes as time went on, but obviously there’s decisions that have to be made by the front office and on Robby’s end as well. Some things I know just didn’t line up, so it kind of is what it is, but with the weapons that we have now, we’re looking to have a really good year and looking to have a lot of good production out of our receivers, tight ends and running backs.

On if he there was an area he focused on with Jordan Palmer…

Yeah, there’s a few things. Just have to clean up some things obviously, fundamentally, mentally. I think just to touch on some things fundamentally, I have been working on throwing to the right a little bit more. I feel like sometimes when I throw to my right it’s all arms, so I’ve been looking into trying to step into my throws and use more of my body and my legs going to my right and then just continuing to work on deep-ball accuracy is also huge for me. I feel like I left a couple opportunities out there on the table last year and I’m looking to hit those throws this year.

On his expectations for next season…

Yeah, I think going off of (the earlier) question, for me it’s just about being as consistent as possible and taking it one day, one game at a time. So, right now with meetings it’s just about focusing in on what we’re talking about that day and not looking any further than that. Right now, I think it’s safe to say that we have a lot of potential, but there’s obviously a lot of work to be put in still and we’re going to put in that work.

On what he’s been able to do from a physical standpoint this offseason…

Yeah, so I’ve been having a good time working out, or an easier time working out. I have a pretty good setup here and just being able to throw whenever I can. So, it has been a little more challenging than it would be normally, as it is for most. It’s challenging, but at the same time I got a pretty good setup here going on.

On if these unprecedented times changed his outlook on everything…

No, I think for us, until we get more news, for us it’s really just taking advantage of the time that we do have. I think a good thing to say would be just that I’m not taking this time for granted, making every minute counts because we’re not getting a ton of time to meet or do any of that kind of stuff, so making sure that every single second counts and we’re really just trying to put in the work right now that we can to make our team as prepared for the season as we possibly can. So that’s really it from that extent.

On the changes made to the offensive line this offseason…

Yeah, I think they’re good players, guys who have been in the league for a long time. Just from talking to them for a little bit and from what guys have said about all the guys that we brought in, they’re guys of high character and the more guys we can bring in like that, the better.

On if he feels pressure…

Yeah, I think for me it’s always been about playing as hard and as good as I can, no matter what the circumstances are, so from my end, nothing’s going to change.

On what he thinks the next step is for him as a leader in year three…

I think for me it’s just continuing to play good football and just be the same person I am off the field. Nothing’s going to drastically change. I’m sure being in the second year in the system I might help out some guys more often than I would have last year because for me I was still getting comfortable and trying to understand things as best I can, but right now I think it’s just about continuing to do what I’ve been doing. As you grow, I think those things happen naturally. I don’t plan on doing anything different. Like I just said, I think as I grow and mature and continue to be the quarterback for this organization, I’m just going to continue to mold into the leader that I’m going to become.

On not being at the facility for the offseason program and if it’s hard to take it day-by-day right now with all of the uncertainty…

No, I think for us, that’s been my mentality ever since I can remember, is taking it one day at a time, and that’s something Coach Gase always preaches to us too. So it’s always said, and it’s kind of always in the back of your head, just take it one day at a time, don’t get frustrated, and right now, with the season being far away, hopefully things get a lot better and we’re able to play this season. Right now, I think we’re just preparing how we would normally prepare. Obviously not in person, but we’re still going through things as normal and we’ve got a pretty good setup with how we’ve been meeting, so everything’s good. Obviously, the interaction with my teammates isn’t there, but I’ve been texting, FaceTiming guys as much as I can and obviously without being a bother, but everything’s been good. We’re just really trying to stay on task and focus on what we can right now.

On Tom Brady leaving New England…

I think, first of all, with a great player like Tom Brady, obviously, leaving, that’s a big deal. It’s headlines. For us, every single game in the NFL is a tough one and I think any player can attest to that, so we’re not going to take anyone more lightly even though one of the greatest players, if not the greatest player of all time, left the organization, we’re not going to take them any more lightly.

On comparing the circumstances we’re facing now to when he had mono last year and the unusual scenario they both present…

I think it could. I haven’t been really been thinking about that, but I think for me, that whole situation, anytime you go through anything like that, any type of adversity, it helps you. Obviously, it didn’t during the time and I think everyone in the League can attest to this as well, but you’re just trying to really make the most of the situation, meet as much as we can and learn as much football and watch as much football as we can right now. For me as a quarterback, just getting out and throwing because right now I’m missing not being able to walk through or practice. So, I’m really just trying to be as active as possible and also learning as much football as I can.

On connecting with new teammates and if he expects the team to kickoff Week One…

Yeah, I think to answer your first question, it is different. I mean I’m not in person with the guys getting to know the guys, so that is a little bit different, but I’ve been texting and FaceTiming some guys every now and then, so trying to build as much of a connection as we can right now, but obviously it is hard. I think the future is uncertain right now. Everyone’s unsure of this thing and even [inaudible 00:12:03] not really sure when this thing is going to settle down or if it is at all, so that’s over my head right now. I’m just focusing on what I can. I’m focusing on what I can control and right now that’s just having good meetings and watching football and working out and throwing the football as much as I can.

On if he believes the Jets have a playoff roster…

I mean, we definitely have the guys to be able to win football games, but as we see every year it’s about putting everything together. Right now, we’ve still got a long way to go. We have a lot of meetings but we haven’t finished yet. Some guys are still learning the playbook so there’s still a long way to go and a lot of practices to be had as well. So, right now we’re just working on ourselves and making sure that we’re all good to go. I know everyone’s just looking forward to going out there and winning the first game and then after that winning the second one.

On Mekhi Becton and Denzel Mims…

Yeah, obviously Becton’s a big guy. The media was blowing up because everyone wanted to see his dad play defensive tackle for us too. So, obviously Becton’s a freak athlete and obviously a large human, so I’m very excited to have him on our team and then Denzel is, just watching this highlights and watching some plays that he made last year for Baylor, he’s a great playmaker and he’s got a lot of potential and we’re excited to have him.

On how he would be impacted by playing in an empty stadium…

Yeah, it’s going to be different. I think what you said at the end there is going to be interesting, teams calling out certain plays at the line of scrimmage or defenses making certain checks and just being able to hear everything, if that is the case. That’s going to be the big adjustment that I think everyone makes, so again, there’s just going to be adjustments that everyone’s going to have to make and we’re going to go with that if we can play football. Everyone just wants to see sports back on in general. So, I know everyone’s itching to get back out there and on the practice field and training camp and all that. It definitely will be a little bit different obviously in MetLife (Stadium). What makes it a great experience is the fans and really in every stadium, so it will be different and in a bunch of different ways.

On Frank Gore….

Yeah, I’ve heard from a bunch of people that he’s a guy with great work ethic and a really good leader, really good locker room guy and obviously it looks like he can still play, so we’re thrilled to have him. I know Coach Gase has worked with him before and he speaks very highly of him as well.