Big East Tournament Quotes – Georgetown

THE MODERATOR: We’re joined by Georgetown.

Q. Patrick, your two guys here, they obviously couldn’t take you to the NCAA Tournament, but what did they give Georgetown this season? What kind of reputation did they give the team?

COACH EWING: They gave it their all. They gave it their all — blood, sweat and tears. I had to play them 40 minutes a game. They worked hard in practice. They played hard in the games. Like I said, they gave it their blood, sweat and tears.

Q. When did you know that Omer (indiscernible)?

COACH EWING: He practiced two days with us, so, still didn’t know until today when he said that he was.

Q. Played him five minutes in the first half. Gave him a lot longer in the second half. What did you see, (indiscernible) Omer?

COACH EWING: That was his first game back, first really all out. He played well in the first half. Went a little longer with him in the second half. It was winning time. We were right there, up 10 with about six minutes to go, just couldn’t score after that. He went down. When he went down everything just went downhill from there.

Q. Terrell, you had obviously a great game tonight, can you tell us what changed in the second half for you? And then also what kind of your last game at Georgetown has meant to you?

TERRELL ALLEN: St. John’s, they played hard and they fought throughout the whole game. Credit to them. I’m just glad I was able to play with Coach Pat, great coach. With everything that he went through this year he continued to make us believe and continue to keep fighting every single day. And then playing with Jagan, he’s one of the best teammates I’ve ever played with. Gave it all every day in practice, in weights, in the game. I just thank Georgetown.

Q. Mosely, the same question for you, what was it like standing out there? You walked off with Muresan and Terrell.

JAGAN MOSELY: It still doesn’t feel real, to be honest with you. After their, I guess, 20 — 20-0 run, it kind of still hasn’t hit me that the game ended like that. You never want to go out on a loss. Obviously, 95 to 99 percent of the teams in college end their careers in losses. But you never want to end it like that. Still stinging right now. I’m not sure how to find the words right now. But I’m appreciative of Coach Pat, Terrell, all my teammates and the Hoya fan base. They embraced me with open arms when I came in when I was 18. And I can’t really find the words right now.

Q. You had a long season, a lot of things were tough, couple of losses. Can you talk about the mental and physical of your team during the season, because they played really tough all year long?

COACH EWING: I thought that they embraced the fact that we lost guys; guys got hurt. I thought that they still believed in themselves. They kept working. Both these guys stepped up and played extremely well for us. Jamorko Pickett had a spell. And Jahvon Blair had a spell. But I thought the whole team, especially these two guys, when you are building a team, you want to build your team like with guys like these. They play hard. They practice hard. They have a great basketball IQ. And they’re winners.