Jaguars’ WR Laviska Shenault, Jr. Quotes 8.14.20


(On his mindset over the past two weeks) “I mean from the get go, it’s a dog’s mindset that you have to go into, every day. I’m just trying to work, that’s the mindset: just work, work, work.”

(On his favorite part of Offensive Coordinator Jay Gruden’s offense) “Just the raw concepts. We haven’t gotten to anything crazy yet, but I like the raw concepts. It gives you opportunities to get the ball and just do things with it.”

(On playing with CB CJ Henderson) “It’s fun. He’s a placement corner, he’s knows how to cover. So, it’s always fun to go against those types of guys.”

(On his approach to playing with the wide receivers on the team) “I mean, we all know at this level, you’ve got to work for that spot. And we all know it don’t come easy. And of course, I want the No. 1 spot, I highly doubt anyone wouldn’t want the No. 1 spot. But of course, still though, learning from others, you never want to stop doing that. So, I’m definitely ears open and I’m listening to my receivers because they’ve played 17 years and the vets in the room that have years under their belt. So I’m always listening and they’re always helping out.”

(On best advice he has received from WR DJ Chark Jr.) “A lot, a lot, we talk all the time. Any little tips or any little thing that I fail to do on the field, he’s helping me out. Like I said, he’s not the only one helping out, you’ve got everybody helping out. It’s a team so far, it’s a good team so far.”

(On importance to learn from Wide Receivers Coach Keenan McCardell) “Tips, just being a [smarter] route runner and, you know, just paying more attention to detail and just doing those little things right because it’ll help you in the long run.”

(On playing with QB Gardner Minshew II during practice thus far) “It’s been fun, he brings the energy and he’s always looking to help out. He just makes sure everything is going the right way and just making sure that I’m doing thing. Because he sees the future that I have and we’re trying to get it rocking.”

(On his connection with QB Gardner Minshew II and his expectations for his rookie season) “We’re slowly building it. I mean, getting a connection with your quarterback don’t come quick. So, it’s a work in progress and I like it so far. And my expectations, I mean, to do big things of course. You know, do things that rookies didn’t do. I’m trying to do all types of things; I don’t really have a certain thing I want to do. But I mean, make the Pro Bowl or be the Rookie of the Year. Like I mean, that stuff is already [written]. I don’t need to make that my expectations, it should already be known. My biggest thing is just gaining respect from Duval County and my teammates.”

(On meeting Kobe and Gia Bryant before their passing) “Oh man, it was so special. I didn’t talk to them that much, but just to be courtside and be by someone so special like that, it definitely meant a lot. And you know, it’s just crazy, crazy what all happened. Legendary, legendary moment.”

(On holding the memory of that night with Kobe and Gia Bryant a little tighter) “Oh yeah, most definitely. Most definitely.”