Nebraska’s Dicaprio Bootle Pre-Press Conference vs. Northwestern

On being favored against Northwestern
“We’re not looking at any of the odds or anything like that at the end of the day. No matter what the odds say, we have to go out there and put our best foot forward against any team regardless of who it is. This is a Northwestern team that has always been a team that has a lot of fight in them. They’ll never lay down, no matter what the score is. We just have to go in there with that mindset knowing that the previous games have been close between us and this team. They’re not going to come here and just lay down.”

On focusing on future games
“No matter whether it was coming off a win, coming off a loss, we’ve been doing a good job of just focusing at the task at hand. We’re trying to correct the things that went wrong the week before in order to get it right this week. We’re not really focusing on anything in the past so much as we’re focusing on what we’re doing this coming Saturday.”

On Monday’s practice
“Up-tempo, high pace, high intensity, just like we want every Monday practice to be. Two things can happen after a loss, you can sit there and sulk about it and be sad, or you can use the current week as a new opportunity to erase that and right your wrongs. That’s what we’re doing right now, righting our wrongs.”

On Nebraska’s defensive backs
“I still take our room over anybody. I feel like we’ve got some of the best guys in the nation in our room. Our room is still really deep, and we have a lot of talent throughout our room. So, we’re just going to keep this thing turning in the right direction. Everything that we’re going to do we’re going to do with intent and all throughout the week just to prepare us for Saturday.”

On positive aspects of Saturday’s game against Ohio State
“The score was lopsided. A lot of times, that can just completely break a team. But I didn’t see any guys out there just quitting. I saw guys really wanting to do the right thing and really wanting to continue to fight until the fourth quarter says zero time on the scoreboard. It’s hard to do when the score is lopsided. It’s hard for somebody to go out there and keep trying to fight and keep trying to claw back, but we never wavered.”

On heading into the rest of the season
“It’s extremely important in this part of the season that we’re going in to pay attention to the details, understand what has beaten us in the previous games, and to not take any opponent lightly. It’s extremely important for us to do the little things right and go out every day and practice with the right intent, so that on game days, when we see something we don’t like, we can adjust to it. Or if we’re doing everything right, then it will show. It’s extremely important for us to be completely dialed in.”