Nebraska’s QB Adrian Martinez Press Conference vs. Maryland 11/18/19


On what he can take from Saturday into the final two games
“I feel like our offense was getting back on track a little bit in that game against a good defense. I think that’s a positive to take away. Again, we need to finish drives and get points out of all those yards.”

On what he saw from running back Dedrick Mills
“That was his best game to date. He played really well out there. I think that was also the offensive line doing a really good job. He capitalized. I’m real happy for him. He had a good game, and we can continue to build on that and carry it into this week.”

On if he is seeing the running game improving throughout the year
“I would say so. It’s always a process and I think it has been a process for Dedrick (Mills) just continuing to grow and learn this offense. This last game was definitely a big step for him. I think the offensive line has been doing a good job all year, and I think they are also doing better. It’s a process for everyone. I think we are starting to get that figured out and getting things turning a little bit.”

On what a win would do for this team right now
“I think a win would be huge for us. Obviously, we need two more wins to get into a bowl game, and that’s what we want to do. It’s going to start this week against Maryland. We don’t have any other choice. That’s our mindset. I think it would be big for us and big for our team.”

On what he falls back on when things are going the way he wants it to
“I have tons of faith in these coaches and what we are doing here as a program. I fall back on them and fall back on the direction we are headed. I know how much better we are right now as a team, and we are going to continue to do that. I know how close we are. I think most of the team knows that too. We are going to keep on striving to get better and fix those little things.”

On what he has seen from Cam Jurgens
“Going back to the comment I made earlier, he’s grown a lot too this season. There’s obviously a learning curve and figuring things out, but Cam has been doing a really good job, especially as of late – just getting things figured out, playing hard and playing tough. I think he is a really talented guy.”

On what kind of special talent is junior wide receiver JD Spielman as he is closing in on being the first ever Husker to have three consecutive 800-yard receiving seasons
“I didn’t even know that. That can speak to it in itself. JD is not the type of guy to boast about his accolades. He shows up to work everyday, gets it done in practice and gets it done in games. He’s a guy I have been able to trust since I first got here. Obviously, tons of respect for JD. He’s just going to keep going. He brings it every game. He’s a tough guy. I’m proud of him for almost reaching that type of stat.

On if he’s soft spoken
“It kind of goes both ways. His locker is actually right next to mine. I have to deal with him.”

On what offensive coordinator Troy Walters means when he says that the quarterbacks have to trust the receivers that they are going to be where they are supposed to be
“That just means, whether it be a vertical route and the landmark where they need to be on that play, their timing and their splits, whether they need to bring their splits down or get across the field, whatever it may be. A lot of my timing is based on their routes. They need to match each other. I think both the quarterbacks and the wide receivers have gotten better at that as the season has gone on. It’s a partnership. It’s not one group to blame or the other. I know for a fact that we have gotten better in that category as the season has gone on.”

On good plays happening because of good chemistry with receivers:
“I can’t say that I can point to one right now off the top of my head. But I can say it has gotten better.”

On decisiveness:
“Sometimes you’re feeling in a groove and I’m making quick decisions. Other times you go back and watch film and notice that hey maybe I should have done this or I should have kept the ball or I should have thrown it here. This or that. But I think that I’ve gotten better at that as the season has progressed and finding my way back at being a decisive playmaker.”

On mental preparation:
“It’s part of Nebraska. It’s part of playing for a big time football team. I wouldn’t say its something that I necessarily prepared for coming into the season but its something that you have to deal with. Luckily I have guys like Coach Frost and Coach Verduzco who support me and just teammates and everyone that understands the situation. It’s not an easy spot to be in for sure but its part of the responsibility of playing quarterback and playing for Nebraska. There’s definitely nothing to complain about.”

On Frost sharing his own experience:
“I would argue that his are a lot tougher than mine. So just continuing to push forward and just knowing that I have guys that support me, coaches and players alike and having fun with it.”

On social media:
“Me being honest when I first got here I loved social media and then kind of over the course of time I don’t even have twitter on my phone anymore. That’s just kind of the way it’s been and it’s been my way of handling it. That’s just how it goes. Especially during the season you want to try and tune out as much as you can and just focus on the guys inside the stadium.”

On why he deleted Twitter:
“I didn’t want it to be a distraction and as Coach Verduzco says and Frost praise and blame are all the same. If you read the good stuff you got to read the bad stuff. I’d rather just take that out of the equation.”

On what social media he uses:
“I don’t want to hurt any of your guys feelings out here you know. I deleted Twitter and I still have Instagram and Snapchat. Those are different. I try not to read any of the stuff unless something is sent to me from my parents or whatever else.”

On Maryland:
“They’re a solid football team. They are going to come out and play hard. We are in for a challenge. I know the guys are excited about it. A road game. We are pumped to play them.”

On being to the East Coast:
“I can’t say I am too familiar with the Maryland area but I have been to Washington D.C. and different places on the east coast. It won’t be completely new territory.”

On Maryland’s defense:
“I think they are a tough group. They play hard. I think regardless of previous games this or that I know they are going to come and bring their best when they play us.”