Browns’ LB Jacob Phillips Quotes 9.1.20


On areas he improved most and his training camp:

“I learned a lot in training camp. Being around this defense, it is really complex and a lot of plays. Just being able to pick up on that and then after you pick up on that, learning about how can the offense try and target the defense and what are the weak points in each play. Just working through all that. As far as the other question of what have I got better at, I feel like being in this defense just lets me showcase and have more opportunities to be more of a well-rounded player. We do a lot in this defense. We get to cover, we get to blitz, we get to run, block and a whole lot of things. I am enjoying it. It is a fun, fast defense. I can’t wait to play.”

On learning LB Mack Wilson’s injury does not require surgery and how Wilson has helped his development:

“Always cheer for my brothers. Always want all of my brothers to be able to play. For him to get hurt, I felt for him. We talked about it. To hear he did not need to have surgery, that is obviously a blessing that he gets to play and have fun. Mack, ever since I got drafted, he has definitely played a part in this transition to the NFL and to this organization and to make sure he shows me the ropes and tells me what to expect. I am glad that he will be coming back.”

On if he felt he might need to take on a bigger role in the defense when Wilson sustained the injury:

“Every day I just go out there and try to put my best foot forward. It is a blessing to have opportunities to be able to go out there every single day and play. I try and take advantage of that. There is no added pressure. I put pressure on myself. I am a big competitor. I want to compete and get better every single day. Nothing really affects my mental drive as far as when to get better play in myself.”

On if he feels like he is ready to play Week 1:

“Yeah, I definitely feel like I am ready. I got a whole lot of confidence from this training camp. Players that we have on offense and being able to compete against them every day and make plays against them is definitely giving me a whole lot of confidence that I can do it against every other team in the league because I know how special our team is here for the Browns. I am definitely ready, and actually, I can’t wait for it.”

On LB B.J. Goodson as a leader to the Browns LBs:

“He is a very good player for us. He does a good job at communicating. He has seen a lot of different things and played in a lot of different defenses. He has some years under his belt. It is definitely helping in that aspect when there are people there who have seen a lot, and then people who have not seen a lot, they can just kind of tap into that and take those gems from that situation.”

On the disappointment seeing S Grant Delpit sustain a season-ending injury and how Delpit has been during his recovery:

“Grant is a brother to me so I definitely reached out, and I definitely was real, real torn up about the situation. It is football. You have to realize that God has a path for everybody. I try to just tell him to keep your happiness, stay up and do not let this get you down because there are so many things in front of you and so many more goals that can be reached. This is really just a speed bump. I just try to tell him that and make sure he keeps his mentals good.”

On if there was a moment in training camp that he realized he could compete and contribute in the NFL:

“I really would not point to one exact moment. You kind of just realize like you are really built for this. Going into it, you do not know what to expect. You do not want to think that it is going to be this or it is going to be negative this or positive that. You want to go into it, take every day day by day and just keep laying bricks. I feel like that is what I did. I feel like it came to me, it is coming to me good and I feel like I am ready for it.”

On if he feels less nervous about starting the season, especially after getting more reps with Wilson out:

“Yeah, definitely. I remember it was the first day in pads, and he was like, ‘Man, when you go out there your first day, you are going to be nervous,’ and I was like, ‘No, I am not going to be nervous.’ I feel like after everything I have experienced and everything I have been put in and so many different situations while we have been practicing, I do not feel nervous for anything. I feel very confident. I feel happy to be in this position and blessed to be progressing like this. I hope to do well during the season.”

On if he has spent most of his time at WILL, MIKE or SAM:

“In the scrimmage, I played a lot of MIKE and then I played some WILL, also. I would say most of my snaps come from WILL.”

On his coverage skills and if that is something the coaches have spent a lot of time working with him:

“No, not really. It is just when you have more opportunities to do so or be put in that position, you can showcase that you have that skill. If you are never put in the position, then people just do not know you can do it. I feel like you have been at practice and you see me breaking up passes, covering and doing all those things. I have not, then you will see it in Game 1.”