Browns’ TE Harrison Bryant Quotes 9.1.20


On being named the Maurice Bassett Award recipient, given to a standout rookie during training camp:

“Obviously, it is nice for your work and stuff to be noticed, but it is practice and that was my goal to just come out and show what I can do and do whatever I can to make the team and help the team win. I feel like I have done that so far, and I am just looking to continue to improve every day and whenever I get my opportunities the rest of camp or whether that is in season in the games to go out and produce.”

On the focus of his conversations with TE Austin Hooper:

“Just really the little details. Everyone in the tight end room has been extremely helpful so far throughout camp really welcoming me with open arms. So far, it has been really good. Just picking their brain about the little details of route running and technique within blocking. So far, all the stuff I have picked up from them and they came over and talked to me about, it has really helped out.”

On what areas he has improved most during the last three weeks:

“For me, the biggest thing was technique within the new concepts and new schemes of everything I was learning. The biggest thing for me was just coming in mentally prepared and knowing what to do, and then really the techniques and stuff came along with more reps in practice. That was my biggest thing was really just focusing on fundamentals within run blocking and the detail of just a little route and its intricacies. Hooper and everyone in the tight room has really helped me out, as well as (tight ends) Coach (Drew) Petzing so it has been really eye opening, and I have learned a lot of stuff throughout.”

On how training camp may have been different than expected:

“I talked to a lot of people before I came in. One of my high school coaches played in the NFL. He played fullback. It is different than tight end but it is similar. I kind of had an idea of what the little details were and what I needed to do when I came in. It has been different than what I expected but at the same time similar. It has been really fun so far, and I am just trying to improve every day and really do whatever I can to help the team win.”

On if his mindset was to just come in and do the job but not say much as a rookie:

“I feel like that is one of my foundation things is just going in head down and go to work. I felt so far that I have done that. Just came in worked, keep to myself and just go out and just do whatever I can to help the team win.”

On if playing OL in high school helped him as a run blocker in the NFL:

“In high school, I played offensive tackle. Some of that stuff translates over, little details and stuff, but it is a lot different schemes and a lot different personnel that you are blocking. A little carries over, but it is a new learning curve and a lot of new details that I have had to learn and I will continue to learn.”

On the difference blocking NFL players and if his size makes it more challenging:

“Obviously, every day during camp, going against extremely talented defense ends, D linemen and a great line backing core, it is challenging every day, and I am just looking to continue to improve in that aspect of my game. The biggest thing with blocking is just being willing and just going in there and sticking your head in there because a lot of the times, you are out on the edges with the defensive ends in this league. The biggest thing is just will and continuing to pick up on those little details and techniques that will help you just stay in there and continue to fight.”

On expanding on how the NFL experience has been different than expected:

“I would say similar but different, just in the terms of this is a different year for us and rookies coming in. All the guys that you usually talk to, they have had a different experience with not having COVID. It is just a learning curve for us, but it was the hand we were dealt. Just coming in and making the most of it. For me, personally, it was just all about coming in every day and doing whatever I can to make the team and help the team win.”