Browns’ S Sheldrick Redwine Quotes 8.28.20


On how he became involved in the social justice leadership committee and why it was important for him to be a part of it:

“This something that I have been passionate about my whole life because I have dealt with it my whole life. Growing up, my grandfather, this was something he was passionate about living in those times when it was terrible. Growing up hearing his stories about stuff, over time it just resonates with you, and then starting to see stuff myself as I got older, it is just something that I feel like change has to be done. I feel like I have a voice that I should use to try to bring change about.”

On his grandfather and what about his grandfather’s life inspired him:

“His name is Cedrick Pratt, from Miami. Just telling me stories about how bad he was treated and his family was treated. He was telling me about an uncle he had murdered by the KKK. This type of stuff, it holds a deep place in my heart. I love talking about it and expressing my feelings because it is something I hold in, but I feel like it is like a relief to me just to talk about it.”

On what the team was able to accomplish during yesterday’s social justice meeting after practice:

“There were a lot of discussions about different plans. For me personally, I am waiting for a plan to go into action. Try to find something to change. To be honest, this is a frustrating topic for black men living how we are living. We have not overlooked it, but it has been something that has been going on for so long and there have been repetitive attempts of trying to stop this and bringing change, but it seems like the way everything is structured is resistant towards change. It is just about consistent push on trying to make that change happen.”

On sending pass game coordinator/defensive backs coach Jeff Howard motivational videos in the offseason:

“Just regular motivational videos. During this whole quarantine over the time that we were locked down, I really took it upon myself to really find myself on a deeper level. I took the time to watch a lot of successful people talk about how they approach life really – people like Eric Thomas, Steve Harvey and guys in those realms and a lot more. Just watching those guys talk and how to approach stuff. I try to emulate that and try to take a little bit of that approach to how I approach stuff because those are the people who are successful in life. When you want to be successful, you do what the next successful person does. I sent those to Coach Howard really just to share the knowledge. Whenever I see a video I like with some motivational stuff, I send it to all my friends, I send it to coaches and I send it to teammates just to try to spread awareness that there is a lot out there that we can accomplish.”

On how many people he shares the motivational videos with:

“I probably send it to like 20-25 people, the people who are close to me. Just to try to expand my mind frame and to help other people gain that little bit of knowledge. Quarantine was a tough time. A lot of people went through a lot of tough stuff. Just giving people that little extra motivation, you never know what it could do for somebody. I never know what everybody’s situation is, but whenever I feel like I can be a help to somebody, that was something I always prided myself on.”

On takeaways from his self-reflection during quarantine:

“I have found meditation a lot, and I found a lot of other stuff that I was interested in. I read a lot of neuroscience books and a lot of financial literacy books. That is something that is a strong topic on me. I started a foundation [the Gloria Redwine Foundation] that is really trying to help inner-city black kids, helping them get that type of financial literacy education and skill-building education because a lot of people where I am from, it is either football or nothing. That is the type of mind frame that I am trying to get people out of. I want to build this foundation after my great-grandmother. I put it in her name just to help kids understand that there is another way outside of football. I was one of those kids growing up when the teacher asked me, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ I said ‘football.’ They said, ‘Well, if football does not work, what do you want to be?’ ‘I don’t know.’ Now, I feel like I have learned other techniques outside of football, like investing. That is something else that I have learned about, investing my money. I want to take that, take the knowledge that I know and put it towards this foundation and give it to other kids so they can grow. I had to learn this at 23. I want kids to understand that this is possible for you. Teach kids that are 10, 11 or 12 just to give them something that they can be interested in, and while they are growing up, they can learn about it also.”

On if there has been any talk among Browns players about potentially boycotting a game:

“No, there have not been any talks about that yet.”

On how difficult it can be to have conversations with teammates, particularly white teammates, about his experiences with social injustice:

“I would not say it is difficult. It is just trying to get them to understand, it is tough. Being black in America is tough. I go to the store – I have dreads and tattoos – and I get followed around stores. I have had run-ins with the police where I felt like I have been treated unfairly. I just feel like this time, it is something that we all deal with our entire life, and it is unavoidable and it is out there. I just want to bring knowledge to the situation. Whatever I can do to make a change, it just has to be done. I feel like it is more than just talking. It is time for action. The people who are in the position to make changes, we have to hold those people accountable to be able to make those changes.”

On if he volunteered to be on the social justice leadership committee or if Head Coach Kevin Stefanski asked him to be on it:

“Coach asked me to be on it.”

On if he believes Stefanski asked him to be on the social justice leadership committee after seeing his passion for the topic during the offseason:

“Yes, I feel like that is the reason.”

On if he felt like he could have this type of voice as a rookie or if he feels more able to do so in his second year:

“I felt like I could have had this voice last year, but I am not sure if we had one last year or what it was. I feel like we all have a voice as being NFL players. It does not matter where you are on the team. If you live this, I feel like you have a voice that needs to be heard. It is nobody where he is up here so he can talk. I feel like everybody should be able to have a voice in these type of situations because we are the ones that is living it.”

On how the Browns defense has been able to get so many interceptions during training camp:

“Just running to the ball. When you run to the ball, eventually those plays are going to happen. We pride ourselves on tips and overthrows. There have been a lot of tips and overthrows that we got our hands on. Just relentless effort to the ball, and then just knowing if you keep running to the ball, eventually those players are going to come and they are going to fall into your hands. Just really running to the ball and just giving effort.”

On characterizing the Browns secondary’s training camp thus far:

“I would say we are working. It is a day-by-day process. It is camp so there are offensive days and defensive days, but how I feel, it is always just constant work. It is always going to be a journey. It is never a destination of where you have gotten to the point. It is always going to be a journey of you work and get here, and now it is time to take the next step next step next step.”

On how hard was it to see S Grant Delpit sustain an injury during practice:

“It was terrible for me to see. I was right there watching it when it happened. Seeing him in a training room, it really tore me a part. I hate seeing players injured because we are in the same realm right now so we all have love for each other. Seeing one of your brothers go down like that, it is a terrible feeling. I saw him in the training room and I just told him, ‘Keep your head up Just constantly keep your head up. We have your back.’ I always keep in touch with him. I hate seeing players get injured. It was tough for me. I really almost shed a tear just seeing him and how he was. I am praying for him every night.”

On if he will make it a point to still make Delpit feel connected to the team and keep in touch with him as he rehabs:

“Oh yeah, definitely. Once you get on this team, especially as a DB group, you are a brother. We do not want him to feel left out or anything. I tell him, ‘You can reach out to me if you need anything.’ Like I said, I am always here to help anybody who I can help. That has always been my motto.”

On if he may take on a bigger role this year with Delpit out:

“It is going to be up to the coaches. Like I said, all I do is work. I like to stay in the present moment. I never thought too far ahead. Whatever it is going to be, it is going to be. I just put my head down and keep working. I always prided myself on whatever role the team needs me to do, that is what I am going to be able to do.”

On what he learned during his rookie season about his NFL potential:

“I definitely feel like I could have success. It is a growing process. Every day, it is a growing process. I feel like my rookie year was a good springboard for me, but personally, I just have to take that next step. I feel like I could be a great player in this league. I am going to be consistent and work on me every day. I have always prided myself on I don’t make excuses. If something goes wrong, I never look to the next man. It has always been me. I would rather somebody put the blame on me than have somebody else take the blame for anything.”

On his comfort level going into his second season:

“I have a high comfort level. Like I said, last year was a good springboard for me. I just feel like it is upon me to take the next step. It is really my time where I feel like I have to take the next step to where I can jump out on film and where I am moving like a blur, faster than everyone, being able to diagnose plays and being able to do that type of stuff because I know I have it in me. It is just time to show it.”

On how Stefanski has handled adversity when coaching the team, including responding to COVID-19 and bringing multiple players together on the social justice leadership committee:

“Showed a lot. It showed the type of man he is. He has been a great leader. In spite of all that has been going on, he has just hammered down on us keeping our heads and never letting anything get too out of control. Basically, getting us to understand that it sucks, but it sucks for everybody around. Everybody is going through it. The team that comes out of it the best will play the best. He has been a great leader in that field. The social justice committee, that has been great. That was a great addition to what we have been doing here. Like I said, this is something I am hard-down passionate about. I love the way he has been handling it. He wants to see a change made. We all want to see a change made. We are going to do our best to make whatever has to happen, happen.”