Browns’ S Andrew Sendejo Quotes 8.22.20


On playing in his 11th season in the NFL and how much longer he thinks he can play:

“In this game, you just go one year at a time and one week at a time. You do not really think about how long you want to play. Just kind of live in the moment.”

On reuniting with Head Coach Kevin Stefanski and defensive coordinator Joe Woods:

“Obviously, I have known those guys for a while. Coach Woods was my DBs coach in Minnesota for a couple years. I have watched Stefanski coach almost every position on offense when I was in Minnesota. It is good to reunite with some coaches that you know what they are about and what they are trying to accomplish. It was exciting for me to come back, join those guys and come here to Cleveland and win.”

On his leadership role as a veteran:

“Anytime you are an older vet on the team, it is kind of your responsibility to show the young guys how to approach the game, how to prepare, try to pass down any knowledge that you can and try to be a leader by example. Like I said earlier, it is my 11th year in kind of a young room so you kind of just naturally take that on. I have been lucky to be around guys when I was younger that showed me the way of how to do things right. Really, just emulating those guys and trying to be the best teammate and best leader that I can for us on the back end. Hopefully, it is contagious to the other older guys.”

On if there is one player from when he was younger that stood out to him as an older veteran leader:

“There are a lot. I know when I first got to Minnesota, (former NFL CB) Antoine Winfield, leading our secondary and really our team; (former Vikings LB) Chad Greenway and (former NFL DB) Terence Newman, a lot of older guys that were not huge rah-rah speech guys, but they really lead by example. I am fortunate those guys were around me when I was young, and they kind of showed me what it was like to be an older vet in the room.”

On S Grant Delpit:

“He is learning things quick. He is doing well for a rookie. Excited to have him here. Like I said earlier, [I am] trying to show the young guys, trying to teach him as much as you can and show him how to approach this game. We are excited about what it can do.”

On how difficult it is for rookies this year after having a virtual offseason program:

“It is very difficult. Kudos to all those guys that are picking up things very quickly. Put in a tough situation as a rookie not having that whole offseason being hands on with a lot of things, but I think we did a great job with the virtual offseason, trying to make the most of it, so that way when we got here, it was not like we were starting from zero.”

On if the NFL can benefit from spring football or development leagues, given his background with the UFL:

“I was very fortunate that that was around for me. Otherwise, I probably would have gone and played in Canada, and you do not really know and you have no idea of what would have happened after that. I do not really know what the NFL’s stance is on it, but I know any guy that was in my position would love to have another avenue to go through if you do not get drafted or signed. It is something that you can at least have another chance to keep playing and potentially get picked up out of there. Those are the guys I actually think about – guys that were in my position.”

On the benefit of having a third S on the field earlier in a drive:

“It really depends on the gameplan, who you are playing, their personnel and what type of safeties you have. There are a lot of factors that go into that, you. If you have enough guys that know the defense in all these different positions to be able to play that, if you can get that, it can be advantageous to you at times. Other times, you might not want to.”

On if having three S on the field is designed to get more speed on the field in coverage:

“Sometimes it can. It can just be getting a different look. Like I said, it just depends on that week, the gameplan, who you are playing, what type of plays they run and their personnel. There are a lot of variables to it.”

On what he wants Browns fans to know about him and what fans can expect him to bring to the team:

“What I want you all to know about me is that you are going to get my best every Sunday, Monday or Thursday, whenever we are playing. I leave it all out there on the field, and that I am here to win.”

On CB Kevin Johnson’s injury and who will play the nickel until Johnson returns:

“I think everyone knows in this league that it is next man up, and that is why if you are a backup you just always have to be ready because injuries happen all the time in this league – it is nothing new. An injury like that, it is unique and unfortunate. We are hoping that he heals up quick. Other guys will step in and will have the opportunity now to showcase themselves. Just like any time someone gets hurt, it gives someone else an opportunity, but it also shows that if you are a backup, you need to be ready to play.”