Browns’ S Grant Delpit Quotes 8.14.20


On how he feels about his role, fitting in with the Browns defense and having several former LSU players on the team:

“It is great to have a lot of LSU guys in one place. It makes me feel at home, and of course, the best school in the country so you can’t go wrong with that. As far as my role goes, I am just playing it day by day. Playing the position (defensive coordinator) Coach (Joe) Woods put me in and (Head) Coach (Kevin) Stefanski. Doing a great job so far. Today will be the first day we go against the offense, kind of full-speed tempo. I am excited for it.”

On if it is better for him to focus on one role during his rookie season rather than having more versatility with positions, particularly due to changes to this past offseason and training camp due to COVID-19:

“For my rookie year, like I said, we are having a great season. I am not too worried about not having a season or anything like that. I am just ready to fir in wherever Coach Woods and Coach Stefanski put me to be honest. I am not really worried about the exact spot that I need to make an impact at. I am just ready to fit into the defensive scheme, and we are installing that right now.”

On how difficult it is for rookies to not have an in-person offseason or preseason games this year:

“I do not know how it is supposed to go in the NFL. I know there is supposed to be a preseason, but in college, we did not have one. I know the NFL is definitely the next level so I am doing everything I can do to prepare for it. Of course, I would want to have some preseason games to kind of get in the swing of things, but we think on our feet and that is why we are out there, that is why we are here and that is why I am here. I am ready to go.”

On if there has been an extra emphasis on preparing rookies for Week 1:

“Definitely. (Special teams coordinator) Coach (Mike) Priefer just brought it up yesterday and said that it is a month until the first game, if I am not mistaken. It is going to come around fast. It is right around the corner. We are doing everything we can to look at the Ravens now and also install. We have not installed yet. We are going at warp speed.”

On what he did to prepare during the time between the draft and arriving in Berea, given the virtual offseason program:

“I got healthy. That was the No. 1 thing I had to do is get all the way 100 percent. I was able to do that, and I was also working out every day. There was nothing else to do. Working out every day and trying to get right because I know once we get here, it will be full speed 100 percent. I was able to do that and get my body right, and I am great.”

On if he has made any bets with CB Greedy Williams about what they can accomplish this season or whose stats will be higher:

“No, I am sure I can make some happen, though. I haven’t set anything up yet. It will probably start in practice, see who can make the most plays in practice and go from there. No, we haven’t started anything yet. Thanks for the idea, though (laughter).”

On if he has a good feel for how defensive coordinator Joe Woods will use him in the defense:

“How he wants to use me? I have no idea. That is Coach Woods’ question for himself, but in our defense, we have a strong and free safety. They are also interchangeable, so it is best to know both positions. That is what I am doing right now. Just fit in wherever he wants me to. I do not know the answer to that one.”

On his impressions of QB Baker Mayfield and if he has had many interactions with him:

“I was kind of bragging about the OU game a little bit, but no, we have not really talked that much. I know that when this competition comes around, I will probably be his worst enemy on the defensive side (laughter). I will just try to irritate him and get everybody better. That is what it is all about, competition. I know Baker is the ultimate competitor so that is exactly what you need in a quarterback. We are just going to push each other every day.”

On if Mayfield is what he expected him to be:

“Yeah, I always knew he was a hell of a player. He looks the part, too. I know he is going to have a great season this year, his third year in the league. He is what I thought he would be, and I hope he is even more. I hope he is throwing dimes, but not on me, though. We will see how that works.”

On LB Jacob Phillips:

“We call Jacob ‘Rockhead.’ We called Jacob ‘Rockhead’ at LSU because his head is shaped like a rock, but he will come down and hit hard too so we call him ‘Rock.’ You will have to bring that up next time you all talk to him (laughter). Scouting report on him, great tackler. His voice is high, but he is built up and rocked up so I think he is going to do great things. He is definitely a hard-hitting linebacker, a leader on that defensive side for those guys. I am excited to see what he has to offer in this defense that we are running.”

On if Phillips can make an immediate impact:

“No doubt.”