Washingtons’ S Kamren Curl Quotes 4/25/20


On what he believes he will bring to the team:

“I would say I don’t know who exactly I model after. I just like to play fast around the ball. I’ve got a good football IQ. I learn defenses really fast. I like taking the ball away, being the fastest guy on the defense and going for the ball.”

On how he views his position:

“Yeah, I feel like I’m one of the versatile safeties that can play corner, so I came here and started as a freshman in the SEC at corner. I feel like I am versatile, I can play both.”

On how playing cornerback has helped him at safety:

“I feel like it helped my coverage skills a lot, being on the island one-on-one. It helped me to be able to sell myself because I’m one of the more versatile DBs [defensive backs] in the draft.”

On communicating with the Redskins:

“[Head] Coach [Ron] Rivera called me. He was just telling me he was happy to have me. I was telling him I was excited to come put the work in. He didn’t really tell me what to expect, really. I’m just ready to get the work in and help the team as much as I can.”

On what he did to celebrate the draft:

“It was just my family. We just chilled, watching the draft. I tweeted because I had players I wanted to see drafted. So, we were just chilling hoping to see my name called and we did.”

On if he would have wanted a bigger party:

“No, it didn’t matter what was going on, really. I didn’t want anything big, I just wanted it to be my family.”

On if had talked to the Redskins leading up to the draft:

“I talked to the special teams coordinator [Nate Kaczor] at the Combine and the DBs coach a little bit at the Combine. It wasn’t that much, but we had some conversations, so I knew they had interest in me.”

On working alongside S Landon Collins:

“It’s going to be crazy; it’s going to be surreal. I was watching highlights since he was at Alabama and when he was with the [New York] Giants. I’ve been watching highlights really my whole life, so it’s going to be pretty surreal.”

On his interaction with Mississippi State cheerleaders:

“That was just a little misunderstanding. They asked for a picture. I just wanted to take a picture with them, but it doesn’t have nothing to do with the on the field stuff.”

On whether he’s proud of any game in particular from his 2019 seasons:

“I want to say the LSU game. I had a pretty good pass breakup. I had a forced fumble in that game and a fumble recovery. I feel like I held my own against the number one team, the national champions, so I feel like I’m very proud of that game.”