Rams’ WR Robert Woods Quotes 8.6.20


(On his preparation for the 2020 season) “I really just tried to bounce around from track to track, high school to high school. Get some work in before we got kicked off the field. Really just trying to get it in, staying on the speed and utilize the community – find some hills in the neighborhood and work on that drive-phase to obviously be able to break tackles and continue to make big plays with the ball in my hands.”

(On developing a rhythm alongside WR Cooper Kupp)

“Really, since he (WR Cooper Kupp) came back from his injury, he came back determined, very strong – stronger than before. This whole offseason, you’ve seen him grinding and putting in the work. And really, to just be able pick up where we left off and be even more dominant, that’s the biggest goal of our whole receiving corps – not only to do what we did last year, but to be even more dominant in the passing game and the running game. To make bigger plays. You know, we break a few tackles, but we want to break them all. That’s our goal this upcoming season – to make every guy miss and score when we can.”

(On thoughts about utilizing full face-shields in 2020)

“I haven’t tried it yet. Obviously, I wear the eye-shield in games, that will probably be really vital for me this upcoming season. But, I’ve seen a couple of helmets in there with the (full) face-shield. We’ll see how it goes. Obviously, you’re out there running, putting in work and you want to be able to breathe freely. We’ll find ways to make some adjustments with that, but obviously you want to stay safe. You want to be able to breathe and make plays when we can and not have that be a factor.”

(On thoughts about his personal voting initiatives)

“I will (have some things) up and coming. I saw one of the teams, when they came into training camp – they had voter registration. I thought that was super cool getting players involved. But really, just for me being here in LA, it’s just getting our community involved, getting the young people of age to be registered and be able to vote. To really be able to make an impact with our youth and the young to make sure our voice is heard. Like I said, just to make sure we’re heard.”

(On him getting kicked out of high school facilities while working out during the offseason)

“Yeah, we were just bouncing around from high schools. You get approval, or you might see a gate open, so you hop on the track and get your work in. The next day you may see somebody watching you on the track and they’ll say, ‘Hey, what are you doing out here?’ Then find ways to get you off the track. Next thing you know, you’re shooting texts around trying to find another available track. So, we bounced around from three different tracks, but we’ve been able to get some good quality work in. Like I said, finding the hills, running the community. Being out here in Thousand Oaks, Woodland Hills, you find some good streets with some good incline.”

(On not being able to gain access after saying he played for the Rams)

“It worked for day one, but it went above somebody, and they got us kicked off.”

(On what he tries to gain from walk-thrus)

“It is a walk-thru, so we’re obviously trying to get the young guys acclimated very quickly. Have them guys feel in – guys like (WR) Van Jefferson, obviously is going to be a big impact in our receiver group. But for me personally, work on my reads and being able to determine where the safeties are. My biggest goal is just my first three steps off the ball. I’m trying to get a good drive, work on my start to be able to have big strides and big power coming off the line.”

(On how the facility has felt this offseason because COVID-19) “It’s definitely not normal. You’re coming in, you’re ordering your meals the night before (Notemeal app). Just coming in to grab it and go, bunch of different apps (on our cell phone). We’re doing questionnaires (on the Teamworks app) before we come, we’re checking our temperatures on the daily. We’re probably getting three temperature checks before we even begin any work process. Obviously, we’re wearing the tracers on our arm and we have two weight room with guys being broken up. Just trying to be acclimated, keep our distance and have our space. We have the outdoor team meeting room and meeting space – just trying to do what we can. But I like being here rather than doing the virtual stuff and being able to see our guys faces and be able to have some contact with them.”

(On if it feels normal being out on the field practicing)

“Yeah, once we’re going it’s actually normal. Like when you’re in the weight room, it’s normal, obviously we’re broken up a little bit into two different groups, but we’re lifting and going like normal when we are on the field, we’re going like normal. We’re huddling up, only one person talking – that’s our quarterback Jared (Goff). We’re full go on the field and normal just like always for a walk-thru.”

(On how he feels about his contract status)

“I feel good. I’ve been working since I got here. I’m in a little bit of talks early on, but I just want to keep working and come in. They weren’t able to see me during OTA’s and spring ball. Really just coming out here showing them that I been working on my game and pick up where I left off. Come in looking built, looking yoked, still fast and ready to get paid, for sure.”

(On if he expects to have a new deal)

“Yeah, you know, that’s the goal. You want to go in and get paid for what you’re worth. I think everyone feels that way. I’ve been working here for the Rams and want to be here for the rest of my career, keep playing here in L.A., home stadium. I want to get the job done and be here long-term.”

(On if the discussion of social justice issues is being continued among players)

“Yeah, for sure. There’s a lot of communications going on. We just got a text from the player coalition yesterday, filling out another form to sign for the offices here in California. But really, I think my biggest thing will be getting the voters registered. Being able to vote, being able to get our youth involved and really just being more involved in politics. A lot of people think our voices aren’t heard or voices don’t count, but really encouraging the youth that our voices are heard, and our voices do matter.”

(On how he plans to help get people registered to vote)

“Well my goal will be, coming up, I would like to have something involved where maybe have an appearance or something. Being able to get voters to come, people to come out, and people who may not be involved in politics but are involved in sports. Be able to mix those two and get them both involved.”

(On his experience playing with Chargers QB Tyrod Taylor and what Chargers fans should expect from him)

“Pro Bowl quarterback. You know, I can’t wait to see him, what he does here, and get another shot to be another starting quarterback. He’s got some talented receivers, talented group, talented (head) coach with Anthony Lynn. Can’t wait to see him going, I know he has a pretty ball. Obviously able to do a lot of damage with his feet. Can’t wait to see him going. Hopefully he’ll get back to that Pro Bowl caliber level.”

(On his offseason conditioning and if his weight has changed, and on importance of the drivephase)

“Yeah, I’m actually like still the same weight, but just being able to, like I said, being kicked off the track here and there. We were able to get a weight room set up in the backyard, so being able to do a lot more weights. Focused on single-leg strength, single-leg lifts. And really for the dry phase, for me, running up those hills, coming off the ball, being able to get up on that off DB very fast, even if he’s pressed. I’m able to run right past him with a few good steps.”

(On if he feels that he and WR Cooper Kupp are underrated as an wide receiver group) “Yeah, I think so. I think we’re not like the flashiest group of receivers, but we’re just up there with production, up there with the best if not the best, as a group and as a unit. But you see, we end up, obviously, losing (Former Rams RB) Todd Gurley in the backfield, so we’ve been working on this offseason, being able to be a big impact in the passing game. Having (WR) Josh Reynolds step up for (WR) Brandin Cooks, and really just be explosive. A lot of guys making big plays and we’ve got to keep the explosive big pass plays over 15 yards, is our goal.”

(On the impact that his offseason throwing sessions with his teammates is having this week now that the team has reconvened for walk-thrus)

“I think very big just because we were actually able to get like player Ram practices at times. Being able to get the guys, gather a couple of our defensive backs and defenders out there. Our linebackers would be able to cover us and get a good look and everybody’s able to get some good quality work. It felt like a good OTA practice. Guys were getting out there early, getting their extra work. We had our lineman sometimes in the other end zone getting their work in. It felt really good just to be a team again and see everybody who is dedicated, who doesn’t need a coach out there to get their work done and, like I said, being able to get good quality work and good quality looks against our defense.”

(On if it feels like training camp because everything is so different)

“I would say it definitely does. Being able to be here, we’re pretty much here majority of the day. I know some teams are doing the virtual meetings, so I really think it’s a big blessing that we’re able to have this tent outside and be able to come up here and meet every single day, be a good unit, see each other’s faces, get to know our rookies who’ll be making some contributions for us this season. Early on during the virtual stuff this offseason, it didn’t seem like football was possible. It didn’t seem like we would be able to gather as a full unit but being here, being back in the facility, you definitely know football is back, training camp is here and we’re ready to kick off this 2020 season.”

(On building the rhythm and accountability with WR Cooper Kupp)

“After his injury, we were actually picking up steam with him, going strong. He went down – I want to say it was the week after the Seattle game – with his ACL injury and just him coming back, I think it was just like a…you know a one, two, three punch. Me and Cooper, really just being dominant on our side of the ball, no slack off when we are in rotation and really, we’re all number one receivers and that’s what we like to think. We want to be out there and make plays no matter where the ball is going. We’re all finishing to the end zone and happy to have Cooper healthy, like I said, strong and ready to run.”