2022 Big East Tournament Quarterfinal Quotes: Seton Hall

Q. You gave up 39 offensive rebounds over the last three games. What happened there, or what has to change in that area?

COACH WILLARD: I think our defensive effort has been really good. We haven’t been finishing possessions the last couple of days. I’m proud of these guys and proud of this team. I love the way they battled, the way they came through February. I think we’re a little tired, to be honest with you. It’s been a long February, and then March, with the four games already in March. I’m proud of them. I’m proud of these guys, proud of the way they battled. I think a couple of days off for these guys is going to be really beneficial. I think our front line, as good as they have been, I think they were a little tired, just to be honest with you. So a couple days off, Selection Sunday, and then kind of get refocused, that is not going to be a bad thing.

Q. Myles, on a more positive note, every time you come out here, it’s exceeding more obvious that you love the Garden. What will you miss the most about it now that it’s all said and done?

MYLES CALE: I would say the atmosphere. Every time you come here, there’s always a good crowd. People come out. New York City, a lot of people come out and they’re rowdy. They talk a lot of stuff. It’s just fun playing here, playing in this atmosphere. That’s it.

Q. What can you say about bringing Kadary onto this team and what it’s done for Seton Hall? And Kadary, what can you say about getting comfortable with the guys on this team and where you’re at as you step forward this season?

COACH WILLARD: Cooks has been phenomenal. You know going into the year, we were really looking for someone that could be a multidimensional point guard, a guy who could score, a guy that can get guys involved. And he’s exceeded my expectations as the year has gone on. He’s battled a really tough thumb injury for most of the season, too. So he’s been — I think he’s made tremendous progress, and I think we were actually talking about it the other day, about what he needs to do to get to the next level. He’s a hard worker. He’s got a great attitude. He’s got a very good knowledge for the game. And I think you’re just starting to see, scratching the surface of what kind of player he’s going to be.

Q. Kadary, how much do you think a couple of days off is going to help you and your hand and a week to rest, and how painful was it the past couple of days?

KADARY RICHMOND: I mean, I made the decision to go out there and play. I knew what was going to come with it. A couple of bumps, bruises. But I think these next couple of days is going to help me, get close to 100 percent with my hand and be able to go out there, be more aggressive, and make better plays.

Q. Myles, you think about where this team is right now. They just won six in a row. Nine of 11. Obviously tonight didn’t go the way you wanted. But as you get ready for the NCAA Tournament, do you think about just the mindset of this group?

MYLES CALE: Like Coach said, I think a couple days of rest, getting back, practicing some more, and I think we’ll be all right. I think we’re in a good spirit. We all love each other. It’s not like we’re going to take this loss and let this tank us or anything. We’re in a good spot right now.

Q. What did they do so well? What makes them such a good, tough defensive team?

MYLES CALE: I would say their aggressiveness on the defensive end. They take a lot of pride on that, and they take a lot of pride on rebounding, too. So that hurt us a lot this game. Q. (Question off microphone) – tonight obviously was a struggle. What did you say to him knowing how he’s going to kind of take this on the chin and going forward?

COACH WILLARD: Jared left everything on the floor. Played his heart out. Give Tyrese Martin credit for playing really good defense. That’s the way I look at it. Jared will be fine. He’s a big boy. And this team, I love where this team is at. I love where they’re at. Even when we get down 14 late in the second half, just, again, the young man surrounding me, the leadership he’s developed and the man he’s turned into, it’s been fun to watch. So it’s disappointing, but UConn’s good.